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Our Programs

Steps done with heart, soul, mind & strength


This program is designed for children between 1.5 to 2.5 years of age. We encourage children to develop unique skills, interests, and strengths by introducing them to various activities that include puppet shows, cartoon shows, sand play, coloring, scribbling, etc.


Kids are introduced to group reading, writing, finger plays, singing, yoga sessions, puppets, poems, rhyming, dance classes and more. Our curriculum is based on encouraging mental and physical development with active participation in basic skills such as alphabet mastery, coloring, and more.


Kindergarten is a special time in a child's life. Children at this age are developing physically, cognitively, socially, and emotionally. Our skill-based kindergarten program includes reading, English language, maths, environmental studies, general knowledge, etc.


Day care centers are a Perfect Solution for working parents. The need for child care programs, after school hours or when the child is not attending the School session- is increasing. Day Care facility we provide has excellent supervision of your child creating a home away from home.

Kids Activity

Today's kids have an amazing reservoir of talent. They need to be given an outlet to exhibit & polish their creativity with this end in view, Kids Activity Club, an after school program, has been designed to promote and explore their hidden talents.

Extra Curricular Activities

Summer Camp

Let your children explore the sunshine, kids' games, warm love & meal during camp sessions. Safe and joyful !

Exciting Competitions

The spirit of healthy competition discovered via contests, sports, inspiring & exciting activities under one roof.

Pool Party

Swimming can be more than just a physical exercise. We host pool parties for students, where there is exact music & fun they need.


With growing minds comes growth of surrounding environment. Children are motivated to participate in gardening activities.

Fun Games

Give a creative push to child's man at RAINBOW. Your youngling will be part of action-packed and learning games for overall development.

Fun Fair

We organize timely funfair where students can interact freely with peers, teachers, parents and mind-blowing entertainment.

Best out of Waste

Use up the resources in most productive way! We teach students of how to recycle waste in a non-hazardous manner.

Yoga & Aerobics

Become flexible beings, happy and healthy today. Students are taught relaxing yoga and aerobics that keep them fit mentally and physically.